Upcoming Walks/Teams

Fall 2023 Emmaus Walks

Men’s #84: September 14-17th

Women’s #86: September 21-24th

With heavy hearts, we made the decision to cancel the 2023 Emmaus Walks. The team prep day scheduled for this coming Saturdayis cancelled as well.

We are still planning to hold the Gathering that had been scheduled for the weekend following the women on September 30th. An announcement with details will be sent at a later date. We sincerely hope to see a wonderful turnout.

We do not know what the future holds for our community but we can rest easy knowing Who has us in the palm of His hand.


Prayer Vigils
Candidate Application
Sponsor Form
Team Volunteer Form



1 Rob C., Gwinn Vanessa L., Crystal Falls
2 Eugene L., Rock Traci C., Champion
3 Andrew K., Marquette Linda L., Gladstone
4 Jim V., Houghton Jane M., Gwinn
5 your candidate here Faith L., Hancock
6 your candidate here Heather M., Hancock
7 your candidate here Rae V., Houghton
8 your candidate here your candidate here
9 your candidate here your candidate here
10 your candidate here your candidate here
11 your candidate here your candidate here
12 your candidate here your candidate here
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16 your candidate here your candidate here
If two weeks before a walk there are fewer than 12 candidates, the board will vote via email whether to cancel the walk. Cancellation requires a majority vote of the entire board (currently 8 out of 15). If fewer than 8 vote to cancel, the walk will be held. Hence the default is to hold the walk unless the board explicitly votes to cancel it.

Teams for Fall 2023 Walks




Chair, Team Selection Committee Sara Wiedenhoefer
Registrar Marcia Waters
Lay Director Mike Deatrick Jill Paris
Assistant Lay Directors Chuck Ryall, Fred Baij, Mike Moore Francine Cerne, Marlene Deatrick, Geriann Bialkowski
Spritual Director/
Other Clergy
Pete LeMoine, B.J. Ash, Ted Trudgeon, John Henry Chris Berquist, Vicky Prewitt, Jeri Baker
Table Leaders Mark Frastaglio, Brian Johnson, Dave Heidtman, Dale Eltman Annie Yeager, Jane Rasmussen, Sandy Petrovich, Jill Cleveland
Table Assistants Doug Hodges, Daryl Johnson, Kevin Johnston, Dave Rasmussen Kelly Ash, Terry Sayotovich, Niki Jarvi, Billie Ladwig
Musicians Mark Plichta, Tim Goman Anita Quinn, Karen Kelley and Stefanie Booth
Prayer Chapel Mary Zanoni, Mary Erva and MaryLou Vinson
Board Representative Randy Yelle Marla Jensen
   1   Fri     9:15 AM Priorities Fred Baij Geriann Bialkowski
   2   Fri   11:15 AM Prevenient Grace John Henry John Henry
   3   Fri     1:45 PM Priesthood of All Believers Mark Frustaglio Jill Cleveland
   4   Fri     3:00 PM Justifying Grace B.J. Ash Jackie Roe
   5   Fri     6:30 PM Life of Piety Brian Johnson Niki Jarvi
   6   Sat    8:45 AM Growth Through Study Doug Hodges Billie Ladwig
   7   Sat  10:15 AM Means of Grace Pete LeMoine Chris Berquist
   8   Sat    3:00 PM Christian Action Dave Heidtman Sandy Petrovich
   9   Sat    4:30 PM Obstacles to Grace Ted Trudgeon Jeri Baker
   10 Sat    7:00 PM Discipleship Daryl Johnson Annie Yeager
   11 Sun   8:50 AM Changing our World Dave Rasmussen Jane Rasmussen
   12 Sun 10:00 AM Sanctifying Grace Vicky Prewitt Vicky Prewitt
   13 Sun 11:00 AM Body of Christ Dale Eltman Kelly Ash
   14 Sun   1:30 PM Perseverance Mike Deatrick Jill Paris
   15 Sun   2:30 PM Fourth day Chuck Ryall Francine Cerne
Auxiliary Directors Sara Wiedenhoefer, Jane Taylor
Auxiliary Team